
Bitcoin(比特币)周四下跌至65,000美元以下,美元走强,瑞士央行降息是导致此次下滑的原因。XRP、FIL和ICP表现抗跌,而SOL和AVAX下跌。瑞士区块分析师表示,比特币已完成修正,周三从60,000美元反弹,并将在下一阶段的上涨中瞄准“更高的水平”。比特币(BTC)受美元走强影响,周四下跌,此前受美联储鸽派立场的推动,周三出现了惊人的反弹。从当天开始的68,000美元以上,BTC在UTC时间周四下午下跌了约5%,至最低64,600美元。Crypto 20指数(CD20)在当天的最高点下跌了3.5%,而在当天,其他替代币普遍表现优于比特币。支付网络Ripple的本地资产(XRP),去中心化数据存储平台Filecoin的加密货币(FIL)和Internet Computer的代币(ICP)在过去24小时内上涨了6%-7%。
第一层网络Solana(SOL)、Avalanche(AVAX)和Aptos(APT)的本地代币在同一时期下跌了2%-3%。比特币的疲软价格行为或许是由于瑞士央行出人意料地下调了25个基点的利率,导致美元走强,抹去了周三美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔尽管通胀数据高于预期,但发出鸽派信号时的急剧下跌。美元指数(DXY)衡量美元相对其他主要货币的强弱,通常走强的美元会对资产价格构成压力。市场分析公司Swissblock表示,比特币在周三反弹之前已经完成了回调,几乎达到他们上周在呼吁即将进行的降温阶段目标价位58,000-59,000美元。“现在更高的水平即将到来,”Swissblock分析师亨里克·泽伯格在周四的市场更新中表示。他补充说,替代币和比特币矿工将在上涨的下一阶段中表现“非常出色”。加密货币交易员Jelle指出,除非BTC站稳65,000美元水平,否则修正的底部已经形成。他补充说,比特币可能会在当前价格区间内 consolide for a while,并需要突破2021年的69,000美元价格水平——重新点燃其向更高价格的涨势。

Bitcoin slipped 5% below $65,000 Thursday, with the U.S. dollar resurging amid the Swiss central bank’s interest rate cut.

XRP, FIL and ICP defied the slump, while SOL and AVAX declined.

Bitcoin completed its correction by rebounding from $60,000 Wednesday and targeting “much higher levels” in the next phase of the uptrend, Swissblock analyst said.

Bitcoin (BTC) slid lower Thursday amid a stronger U.S. dollar, giving up some of the advances from Wednesday’s spectacular bounce spurred by a dovish tone from the Federal Reserve.

BTC dropped some 5% to as low as $64,600 by late afternoon UTC hours from above $68,000 at the start of the day.

The broad-market Crypto 20 Index (CD20) declined 3.5% from its daily high, as altcoins generally outperformed bitcoin during the day.
Crypto 20指数(CD20)从当天最高点下跌了3.5%,而在当天,其他替代币普遍表现优于比特币。

Payment network Ripple’s native asset (XRP), decentralized data storage platform Filecoin’s crypto (FIL) and the Internet Computer’s token (ICP) advanced 6%-7% over the past 24 hours.
支付网络Ripple的本地资产(XRP),去中心化数据存储平台Filecoin的加密货币(FIL)和Internet Computer的代币(ICP)在过去24小时内上涨了6%-7%。

Native tokens of layer 1 networks Solana (SOL), Avalanche (AVAX) and Aptos (APT) lost 2%-3% during the same period.

Bitcoin’s weak price action was perhaps due to the resurging U.S. dollar after the Swiss central bank, in a surprise move, cut interest rates by 25 basis points, erasing all of Wednesday’s steep drop when Fed Chair Jerome Powell hit a dovish tone despite higher-than-expected inflation readings.

The U.S. dollar index (DXY), which measures the U.S. dollar’s strength against other major currencies and a stronger dollar usually weighs on asset prices.

Market analytics firm Swissblock said that bitcoin completed its pullback before Wednesday’s bounce, reaching almost their target price of $58,000-$59,000 when they called for an imminent cool-off phase last week.

“Now much higher levels (are) coming,” Swissblock analyst Henrik Zeberg said in a Thursday market update. He added that altcoins and bitcoin miners will perform “tremendously well” in the next phase of the uptrend.

Crypto trader Jelle noted that the bottom for the correction is in until BTC holds the $65,000 level. He added that it could consolidate for a while in the current price range and needs to break above the $69,000 price level – the market cycle peak in 2021 – to reignite its rally to higher prices.
加密货币交易员Jelle指出,除非BTC站稳65,000美元水平,否则修正的底部已经形成。他补充说,比特币可能会在当前价格区间内 consolide for a while,并需要突破2021年的69,000美元价格水平——重新点燃其向更高价格的涨势。